ECP assinadas por Portugal

/ Atualizado em 26.05.2006

A informação disponível é propriedade da União Internacional das Telecomunicações (UIT)

Formato Office® - Documento Word. Document 7-E (ECP 00) - European Common proposals for the work of the conference

Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 1 to Document 7-E (ECP 3) - Texts for the Agreement resulting from RRC-06 and for RRC-06 Resolutions

Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 2 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A1) - Annex 1 to the Agreement: Layout of the Frequency Plans

Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 3 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A2) - Annex 2 to the Agreement: Technical criteria used in the development of the Plan and the implementation of the Agreement
Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 4 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A3) - Annex 3 to the Agreement: Basic characteristics to be submitted in application of Article 4 and Article 5 of the Agreement
Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 5 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A4) - Annex 4 to the Agreement, Section I: Limits and methodology for determining when agreement with another administration is required

Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 6 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A5) - Annex 5 to the Agreement: Operation of alternative terrestrial applications within the envelope of a digital entry to the Plan - spectral power density approach
Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 7 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A6) - Annex 6 to the Agreement: Layout of the List

Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 8 to Document 7-E (ECP 4) - The Planning Process

Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 9 to Document 7-E (ECP 12) - Transition Period

Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 10 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A2) - Addendum 1 to Annex 2 to the Agreement - Chapter 1: Definitions
Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 11 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A2) - Addendum 2 to Annex 2 to the Agreement - Chapter 2: Propagation information
Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 12 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A2) - Addendum 3 to Annex 2 to the Agreement - Chapter 3: Technical basis for the terrestrial broadcasting service
Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 13 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A2) - Addendum 4 to Annex 2 to the Agreement - Chapter 4: Compatibility with other primary services
Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 14 to Document 7-E (ECP 2) - Planning Principles
Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 15 to Document 7-E (ECP 3-A4) - Annex 4 to the Agreement, Section II: Check of conformity of a conversion of an allotment into one or more assignments with the corresponding Plan entry of the allotmen and check of conformityof the notification of one assignment or one or more assignments which may be part of an SFN with the corresponding Plan entry of the assignment(s)

Formato Office® - Documento Word. Document XX-E (ECPST61 00) - European Common proposals for the work of the conference

Formato Office® - Documento Word. Addendum 1 to Document XX-E (ECP 10) - Text for the final Acts of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the revision of the Stockholm 1961 Agreement