Declaration issued for the provision of postal services.
Vacancy announced for Senior Adviser, at the ITU.
ANACOM publishes information on trends in telecommunications prices in December 2015.
Correction of terrestrial coverage obligation percentage for the Municipality of Águeda.
New prices applicable as from 01 February 2016.
Vacancies announced for 'Technical Support Officer' and 'Information Systems Engineer', at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
HSIA Hospitality Services Portugal changed the company name to Hoist Group Portugal.
Replies until 15.02.2016.
The SIC makes information available on infrastructure suitable for carrying electronic communications networks.
Consult updated information on the digital television chronology.
Approval given to application form for SIC access accreditation.
From 14 January 2016, SIC provides information on infrastructures suitable for carrying electronic communications networks.
The price of calls received while roaming will fall from 5 eurocents per minute to 1.14 eurocents per minute from 30 April 2016.
Vacancy announced for Head, Least Developed Countries Division, at the ITU.
Updated information on the monthly trends in ported numbers, December 2015.
Presentation by Fátima Barros, Chair of ANACOM, at the Conference of SRS Advogados on the Digital Single Market, held on 14 December 2015 in Lisbon.
Approval given to new t2 rate applicable to suppliers of electronic communications networks and services with respect to 2013.
See ANACOM clarification on actions taken to ensure compliance with Law no. 17/2012 of 26 April.
ANACOM approves the declarations of conformity for the analytical accounting system used by CTT with respect to the 2011 and 2012 financial years.
Up to the end of 2015, ANACOM received a total of 1801 requests of which 1787 have been concluded.
Contributions close 11 March 2016.
The Netherlands presides over Council of the European Union until 30 June 2016.
European Union exceeds target set in the Digital Agenda for 2015.
Declaration issued for the provision of electronic communications.
Summary of key data on the sector released through quarterly statistical reports.
Authorisation given to transfer of licence to provide postal services from Post Contacto to CTT.
Approval given to withdrawal of draft final decision approved on 17 November 2015 and notified to the European Commission.
Contributions and suggestions may be sent up until 8 January 2016.
Spectru is the monthly bulletin of ANACOM, whose most recent edition, for December 2015, may be consulted electronically here.
ANACOM denies request put by Vodafone PORTUGAL.
ANACOM makes disclosure in respect of debts to its suppliers as on 31.12.2015.