Knowledge and access to information are two key components which drive the development of society; but they only reach the full extent of their potential when encompassed by a free and competitive environment. In recent years, ANACOM has made efforts to support its counterparts at an international level, both through staff training and the promotion of modern and competitive regulatory frameworks.
The major international players have been adapting their international cooperation policies in the light of the United Nations Conference on Financing for Development (Monterrey - March, 2002). This conference led to an international agreement between States on the actions necessary to further the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Alongside the commitments to increase aid in terms of volume, a commitment was also made to improve the effectiveness of aid, and it was agreed to promote efforts and various initiatives, such as untied aid.
Previously, members of the OECD/DAC (Development Assistance Committee), adopted a recommendation on Untying Aid to LDCs (April, 2001), in order to promote the greater effectiveness of development aid.
Meanwhile in November 2002, the European Union presented a paper entitled ''Enhancing the effectiveness of aid'', which included measures on untying EU aid, recommending that Member States run public procurement schemes which are compatible with Community law.
It is agreed that communications is a structural and strategic sector for the development of society, contributing to strengthened cooperation ties and solidarity between the States.
With this in mind, ANACOM sees cooperation as an important aspect of its remit, recognizing that it can act as a priority channel for strengthening relations with other States and multilateral entities.
In this context, ANACOM has been aligning its policies of cooperation with key international guidelines, in order to promote and ensure the effective flow of public development aid (PDA), particularly for least developed countries (LDCs), seeking to implement and ensure a sharing of efforts and institutional coordination among major donors.
The policy followed focuses on a model based on a direct approach, the establishment of partnerships, coordination with other donors and the promotion of open and competitive markets.