3. Terms and conditions for primary assignments

/ Updated on 27.01.2002

The applicant for primary assignments should conform with a category defined in Decree-Law 381-A/97, of 30 December, or in Decree-Law 177/99, of 21 May, thus being the holder of a licence or registration. 

The application should, when applicable, provide the following data:

  • identification and postal address;
  • information about characteristics of network and/or services provided, including, when applicable, the forms of interconnection with other networks;

  • clear indication of the use that the numbering requested is intended for;

  • use made of previous assignments, including:

-volume of resources assigned to final users in service;

-volume of resources assigned to final user but not in service;

  • preference for a certain resource;

  • geographical range of service or application;

  • date of operability of the service;

  • any other information considered necessary by the ICP for the application made.

The ICP will assign resources within a maximum of 15 working days counting from date on which the applicant satisfies the above terms and conditions. 

Ineffective and inefficient use of previous assignments to the same applicant may lead to a rejection of the resource assignment application.
