ANACOM launches GEO.ANACOM, a platform with georeferenced information on the communications sector

Today, ANACOM is launching the Public Website of GEO.ANACOM, a Geospatial Platform giving users access to a set of georeferenced information on the electronic communications and postal services sector.

The Public Website provides a vast set of layers of geographic information relating to the sector, and this number is expected to grow gradually.

The highlight of the website is its network coverage mapping functionality.


This function can be used to consult coverage of fixed, mobile and satellite networks available at a specific location or address in Portugal. Simply clicking on a point on the map gives access to detailed information about the networks, operators, technologies and Internet speeds available at that location. Therefore, with this function, you can find out which operators have a network or offer services in the place where you live, work or go on holiday. You can also check whether you can make a call, send an SMS or MMS, and see the maximum Internet speed available at the selected point.

The information contained in the coverage functionality results from data reported by electronic communications service network operators, in compliance with Decree-Law no. 40/2022 of 6 June and in accordance with the technical specifications set out in Administrative Rule No. 77/2023 of 14 March. The data is updated on a quarterly basis.

In addition to coverage, it's possible to consult a range of topics, including information on Spectrum Planning and Management, Spectrum Monitoring and Oversight, Postal Services, Statistics and Market and Infrastructure. Each topic incorporates several sublayers of georeferenced information, originating from ANACOM or obtained from operators, that is continuously and dynamically refreshed, resembling a living atlas that is constantly being updated.

Within these sublayers of information, it is possible to view the results of ANACOM's measurements on the performance of Mobile Services and determine the quality of the DTT signal. It is also possible to view areas with optical fibre or 4G coverage, or where there is a lack of high-capacity networks (“blank areas”). There is also statistical information available on the market at a regional level, which includes data on the incidence of complaints and the rate of Internet penetration at a fixed location.

With regard to the postal sector, ANACOM's Public Website will make it possible to locate postal establishments associated with the Universal Service.

In addition to the Public Website, GEO.ANACOM, which constitutes ANACOM's Geospatial technological ecosystem, also includes the SIIA - Sistema de Informação de Infraestruturas Aptas (Suitable Infrastructure Information System), which is accessible to accredited entities. There is also an Internal Area for ANACOM personnel, offering a more comprehensive and detailed repository of information, contributing and supporting ANACOM’s regulatory and supervisory action.

Overall, GEO.ANACOM provides a dynamic, corporate and collaborative technological solution, supporting the continuous expansion of the georeferenced data repository, integrating new layers of information and adding more detail to existing information.

With this intuitive, easy-to-use and simple-to-navigate tool, ANACOM enables both the organisation and the general public to visualise, analyse and interpret geographic data and maps on electronic communications and postal services.

GEO.ANACOM was recently accredited with the Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award, not only for its use of the most up-to-date and emerging WEB GIS development technologies, but also for its disruptive approach in presenting, modelling and introducing new tools for processing and analysing sector data.

It is the first Platform with these characteristics in the communications sector, and is available on ANACOM's Consumers' Website This Platform can be accessed from any browser from a desktop device, smartphone or tablet.

Watch the GEO.ANACOM Platform presentation video.
