Contact Network - Oberhofen

/ Updated on 31.07.2006

The city of Oberhofen, Switzerland, hosted on 20-21 January the first meeting of the Contact Network chaired by the Danish regulatory authority (National IT and Telecom Agency - NITA).

Preparation of the 2005 working programme was one of the meeting?s main agenda points.

The Contact Network also discussed the report from the public consultation on revision of the significant market power (SMP) concept, a document which should be revised and submitted to the plenary session in May, as well as the remedies applicable to SMP operators in relevant markets (some regulatory authorities held that revision of this document was premature, though the eventual inclusion of new themes was accepted) and the structure and mission of the working groups and the three new project teams (on international roaming, voice over internet protocol (VoIP) and remedies).

Regarding the issue of VoIP, and given the current impossibility of agreeing on a common position, it was considered that regulators should each proceed with their own analysis of the applicable regulatory framework. The publication of a Common Statement on this matter will nevertheless be proposed to the plenary session.