ANACOM decided 277 cases of administrative offences in 2023, 6% more than the 261 cases decided last year. Of the cases decided, 240 were concluded with a penalty decision, namely the imposition of a fine, and 37 with a decision of acquittal.
In total, the fines imposed in 2023 amounted to EUR 7.3 million. The following fines stand out in terms of the number and nature of the offences in question and the value of the fines imposed: EUR 2.46 million imposed on MEO for infringement of the rules on the termination of contracts at the initiative of subscribers, as laid down in an ANACOM decision; the fines totalling EUR 708 thousand imposed on Worten for selling radio equipment which did not comply with the legal requirements; the fine of EUR 678 thousand imposed on NOS Açores for failing to comply with the rules on the suspension of services; and the fines of EUR 360 thousand and EUR 335 thousand imposed on NOS Madeira and Vodafone, respectively, for failing to comply with the rules on the termination of contracts.
In addition to these offences, there were non-compliance situations relating to the barring of electronic communications services, itemised billing, suspension of services, unfair commercial practices, use of illegal devices, postal services, etc.
In 2022, fines totalling EUR 17 million were imposed, of which EUR 15 million were imposed on the four largest operators (MEO, NOS, Vodafone and Nowo) for particularly serious behaviour likely to infringe the legal rules applicable to the communication of contract price amendments to a large number of subscribers.
Last year, ANACOM opened 179 proceedings based on notifications and reports from ANACOM inspection services, reports from police authorities, information received from other public bodies and complaints.