Electronic Communications Law comes into force

/ Updated on 06.04.2004

The Electronic Communications Law - Law no. 5/2004, of 10 February - was published establishing the legal regime to be applied to the electronic communications services and networks and to the resources and associated services, defining as well the competences of the national regulatory authority - ANACOM - in this domain. This law, approved by the Assembly of the Republic on 11 December 2003, transposes into the national legal order the community regulatory framework known as “Revision 99”. 

The news of the new regime (Regicom), comprise, namely, the reinforcement of ANACOM competences, the significant increase of the limit of the applicable administrative fines (that goes from 45 thousand into 5 million euros), the creation of a municipal rate for the right of way (TMDP) and the definition of the operators access regime to the telecommunications infrastructure ducts.

The new regime (Regicom) came into force on 11 February, although some of the rules are to be applied later. It is the case of rate TMDP, contained in article 106, which comes into force on the 90 days that follow the publication of this law.


Related information on ANACOM's website: