Audit of quality of service indicators and complaints system of CTT (2008)

ANACOM decided on 18 February 2010 to hear CTT - Correios de Portugal, S.A. (CTT) on the draft decision on the outcome of the review carried out by KPMG & Associados, as part of the audit of the indicators of quality of service provided in 2008.

This hearing includes the determinations and recommendations to be issued by ANACOM, which aim to improve CTT's system for monitoring indicators of quality of service and complaints handling system.

ANACOM is bound to control, independently of the universal service provider (CTT), the levels of quality of services actually provided, with the results of this control published in a report at least once a year (article 8, paragraph 7 of the Basic Law for Postal Services - Law No. 102/99 of 26 July, as amended by Decree-Law No. 116/2003 of 12 June). ANACOM is likewise charged with ensuring that the universal service provider publishes information on the number of overall complaints and the way these complaints were handled, as well as an annual report on the monitoring of the levels of quality of service actually provided (Article 22, paragraph 3 of the same Law).


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