4.7.5. ICP-ANACOM sub-register and internal security

In 2011, after ICP-ANACOM's Communications Security Department moved to the Authority's premises in Barcarena, care was taken to provide the department with a class 1 area to archive and handle classified material. The Gabinete Nacional de Segurança (GNS) (Office of National Security) is expected to perform an inspection to authorize the opening of this new facility at the beginning of 2012.

Likewise, ICP-ANACOM staff training was enhanced with the Curso Geral de Segurança de Matérias Classificadas (General Course on Security of Classified Material). In parallel, and perhaps also as a consequence, there was an increase in the number of certified staff.

In addition, preparation was made of the structure and content of training courses on information security, planned for 2012.