European Regulators Group meeting - Lucerne

The European Regulators Group (ERG) held its 30th meeting last 8-9 October in Lucerne, Switzerland.

The gathering was marked by the approval for publication of the following documents: “MTR Benchmark Snapshot”, “ERG Report on the Transition from Sector-specific Regulation to Competition Law”, “ERG Report on the Elaboration and Monitoring of Common Positions” and “ERG Report on Regulatory Accounting in Practice 2009”, as well as approval of holding a public consultation on the “ERG DRAFT Common Position on Next Generation Networks Future Charging Mechanisms / Long Term Termination Issues”.

The meeting also provided an occasion for the European Commission and national regulatory authorities to debate a number of operational aspects associated to implementation of the Office, vis-à-vis establishment of the Board of European Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC).

The ERG also approved the draft working programme for 2010, to be submitted to public consultation.