ANACOM received 10 thousand requests during the 1st quarter of 2009

During the first quarter of 2009, ANACOM received, in writing, 10,365 complaints, 119 requests for information, 27 petitions, 7 suggestions, and 119 communications of other types, in a total of 10,637 requests made by users of electronic communications and postal services, as well as by the general public. Comparing these figures to those of the same quarter of 2008, the overall volume of complaints suffered an increase of about 39%, in line with the growing trend recorded since the entry into force of the complaints book regime.

Complaint book sheets were the most common means for sending complaints during the first quarter of 2009, representing around 77% of the total volume of complaints received by ANACOM, and representing over 97% of all complaints received about the postal sector.

The majority of complaints referred to the electronic communications sector (83%). Considering total complaints per 1,000 customers, the television service over the public telephone network (xDSL/IP) stands out (1.12‰) immediately followed by the Internet access service (1,00‰) and the telephone service at a fixed location (0.81‰). Within the scope of the complaints book regime, the issues that most motivated negative reactions by users were those in connection with equipment, technical attendance/assistance to the customer and billing. In terms of complaints addressed directly to this Authority, contract and billing issues stood out.

Concerning the postal sector (with 16% of the recorded complaints), the greatest number of complaints referred to the correspondence service. Analysing the complaints addressed directly to this Authority by issue, the situations giving rise to the largest number of complaints were in connection with delays in delivery and loss of mail, while in complaint books sheets the vast majority were related to customer service problems.

Mention should also be made to the 1,748 requests - 1,520 complaints and 228 requests for information - received at ANACOM’s public attendance services. Most of those complaints were made by phone and in connection with the electronic communications sector, telephone service at a fixed location standing out with highest amount of complaints.


See also: