Settlement of the dispute between Sonaecom and PTC on the quality of service in the scope of RUO and LLRO

As per determination of 8 April 2009, ANACOM approved the decision on the settlement of a dispute between Sonaecom and PT Comunicações (PTC) regarding the payment of compensations for the non-fulfilment, in 2006, of the levels of quality of service regarding the deadlines applying to service recovery (fault repair) established in the reference unbundling offer (RUO) and in the leased lines reference offer (LLRO).

The report on the previous hearing of the interested parties who received the corresponding draft decision was approved by a determination of 30 April 2008.

Under the terms of the decision now approved, ANACOM, considering the arguments and grounds stated in the request for administrative resolution of the dispute presented by Sonaecom within the scope of article 10 of the Electronic Communications Law (fault repair) to be unfounded, decided to reject the request filed in order to state PTC's obligation to pay a given amount to Sonaecom, as a compensation for the non-fulfilment, in 2006, of the deadlines applying to service recovery (fault repair) in the scope of RUO and LLRO, as well as the request for the payment of late interest and debts falling due over that amount.
