ECC TG4 Meeting - Prague

The 12th meeting of ECC TG4 was held last 3-6 March in Prague.

The meeting completed the first (Report A) of the four reports the group has been charged with preparing, per the second European Commission mandate on the digital dividend.

This first report (CEPT 29 Report) provides guidelines for co-ordination processes between neighbouring countries when one of the countries wants to introduce mobile services in the 790-862 MHz sub-band and the other wants to keep broadcasting service in the same sub-band. This report has been approved in ECC meeting and is now in the public consultation phase.

Work was also undertaken with a view to completing Reports B (recommendation on the best way to ensure the maintenance of existing equipment for programme making and special events (PMSE) operating in the 470-862 MHz band, including evaluation of the advantage of a Europe-wide strategy) and D (definition of protection relations, to protect broadcasting services from mobile service, in order to help the administrations determine compatibility situations). These two reports will be completed at the group's next meeting, scheduled for this coming 25-27 May.

As for Report C, which concerns a possible re-planning of broadcasting service to free up the 790-862 MHz sub-band, it was concluded that same required reorganisation, so it can only be finalised at the group’s last scheduled meeting, in September 2009.