EFIS-MG - Athens

Athens hosted last 17 March the 20th meeting of the ERO Frequency Information System - Management Group (EFIS-MG).

EFIS is a database containing the national frequency allocation plans of the countries represented therein and is available for online consultation. It allows radio spectrum to be consulted by country, as well as comparisons in order to check existing differences in how spectrum is allocated in the various countries.

In the wake of the revision begun at the last meeting with the aim of adjusting the terminologies used by EFIS and the ECA (European Common Allocation), various modification proposals put forward by the administrations were studied; they will be submitted to the next meeting of the Frequency Management working group (WG FM) for analysis.

An updated version of the database that the Swiss administration provided to the ERO (SWiss EFis Tool) has also been made available. It allows EFIS data to be maintained and introduced without the use of additional software and was modified to adjust to the specific situations existing in some administrations.