Communication on the role of electronic government in Europe’s future

“It is vital for Europe to have a public sector that contributes to European economic growth, that offers high quality services to everyone and strengthens the democratic process”, were the words of the European Commissioner responsible for information society, Erkki Liikanen, referring to the European Commission’s adoption last 26 September of a Communication on the role of electronic government in Europe’s future.

This Communication, under the Lisbon strategy, requests the Union’s member States to politically commit themselves to the development of online public administration and sets out various measures in this context to achieve that end, which are already considered in the eEurope 2005 action plan. Such is the case of the exchange of information on good practices in public services, support for community research and development programmes and the launch of initiatives and action plans at national, regional and local level.


Download file European Commission Communication on the Role of Electronic Government in Europe’s Future, 26.09.2003*

See also:

European Commission - Information Society Directorate-General - Electronic Government


*This information is the property of the European Commission.