ANACOM hosts EaPeReg technical workshop

On 23 and 24 April 2024, ANACOM hosted a delegation from the European Eastern Partnership (EaPeReg) in Lisbon for a technical workshop on broadband mapping.

As part of a joint initiative with the European Union, this workshop aimed to share best practice on broadband cost reduction regulation.

The agenda included the following topics: ANACOM’s geospatial platform - GEO.ANACOM, the mapping of white areas, the appropriate infrastructure information system (SIIA), the implementation of article 22 of the European Electronic Communications Code, the implementation of the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive, and the Gigabit Infrastructure Law, which aims to address the limitations of the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive and promote the timely and appropriate deployment of Very High Capacity Networks (VHCN).

The EaPeReg delegation consisted of 29 technical experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.


ANACOM hosted the EaPeReg members for a technical workshop on broadband mapping.