Public consultation on the draft regulation on fees due to ANACOM for issuing certificates and reproducing documents

ANACOM has submitted the Download file draft regulation relating to fees due to ANACOM for issuing certificates and reproducing documents to public consultation.

The draft regulation establishes, inter alia:

a) to determine the objective and subjective incidence, the reductions and exemptions, the value and the rules for the settlement and collection of the fees to be paid to ANACOM for the issue of certificates and the reproduction of documents included in administrative files, as well for the reproduction by photocopy or by any technical means, namely visual, audio or electronic, or for the issue of certificates relating to administrative information not included in the procedure, in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 15 and paragraph 3 of article 83 of Código do Procedimento Administrativo (Administrative Proceeding Code), and with paragraph 1 b) and c) of article 13 and paragraph 1 of article 14 of the LADA;

b) To set time limits for the issue of certificates and the reproduction of documents included in administrative files or resulting from the right of access to administrative documents, particularly in cases of urgency; and

c) to justify the fees and their updating system from an economic and financial point of view.

Interested parties are given a period of 30 working days to submit their views in writing and in Portuguese. Contributions may be sent no later than 18 April 2024 to

Once the consultation process has been concluded, the contributions received will be made public. Therefore, for the purposes of publication on this website, interested parties should also submit a non-confidential version of their responses excluding any items considered confidential.
