ANACOM hereby informs that the use of the 1850-2000 kHz band is authorised, on the Mainland and in the Autonomous Regions, under the conditions set out in the National Frequency Allocation Table (“NFAT”) for the 1830-1850 kHz band in the document Use of frequencies by amateur and amateur satellite services - NFAT, for the purpose of participating in the following contests during 2024:
- 06 and 07.01.2024 - EUCW 160m;
- 13 and 14.01.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 24.01.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 26 to 28.01.2024 - CQ 160 m (CW);
- 10 and 11.02.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 17 and 18.02.2024 - ARRL International DX (CW);
- 28.02.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 23 to 25.02.2024 - CQ 160-Meter (SSB);
- 02 and 03.03.2024 - ARRL International DX (SSB);
- 09 and 10.03.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 09 and 10.03.2024 – Stew Perry Topband Challenge (160m-CW);
- 16 and 17.03.2024 - Russian DX;
- 27.03.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 30 and 31.03.2024 - CQ WW WPX Contest (SSB);
- 06 and 07.04.2024 - SP DX;
- 13 and 14.04.2024 - JIDX (CW);
- 13 and 14.04.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 24.04.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 27 and 28.04.2024 - Helvetia;
- 11 and 12.05.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 18 and 19.05.2024 - His Majesty The King of Spain (CW);
- 22.05.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 25 and 26.05.2024 - CQ WW WPX Contest (CW);
- 01 and 02.06.2024 – ARRL Inter. Digital Contest
- 08 and 09.06.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 15 and 16.06.2024 - All Asian DX (CW);
- 15 and 16.06.2024 – Stew Perry Topband Challenge (160m-CW);
- 22 and 23.06.2024 - His Majesty The King of Spain (SSB);
- 22 and 23.06.2024 - ARRL Field Day;
- 26.06.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 01.07.2024 - RAC Canada Day;
- 13 and 14.07.2024 - IARU HF World Championship;
- 13 and 14.07.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 24.07.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 03.08.2024 - EU HF Championship;
- 24 and 25.08.2024 – Worl Wide Digi DX Contest;
- 28.08.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 07 and 08.09.2024 – All Asian DX Contest (SSB)
- 14 e 15.09.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 25.09.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 05 and 06.10.2024 - Oceania DX (SSB);
- 12 and 13.10.2024 - Oceania DX (CW);
- 12 and 13.10.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 19 and 20.10.2024 – Stew Perry Topband Challenge (160m-CW);
- 23.10.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 26 and 27.10.2024 - CQ World-Wide DX (SSB);
- 09 and 10.11.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 09 and 10.11.2024 - OK/OM DX (CW);
- 09 and 10.11.2024 – JIDX (SSB)
- 16.11.2024 - All Austrian 160m;
- 23 and 24.11.2024 - CQ World-Wide DX (CW);
- 27.11.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 06 and 08.12.2024 - ARRL 160m;
- 14 and 15.12.2024 - SKCC Weekend;
- 21 and 22.12.2024 - Croatia CW;
- 25.12.2024 - SKCC Sprint;
- 28.12.2024 - RAC Winter;
- 28 and 29.12.2024 – Stew Perry Topband Challenge (160m-CW).
This authorisation is granted pursuant to paragraph 3 of article 5 of Decree-Law No 151-A/2000 of 20 July, as amended by Decree-Law No 264/2009 of 28 September
This authorisation for the temporary use of the 1850-2000 kHz band must not be used for any other purpose within the scope of the Amateur Service or by any other radiocommunications service.
In addition, the emissions associated with this use must not cause interference to other radiocommunications services and, if they do, the interference must cease immediately in the band.
These uses must comply, where applicable, with Decree-Law No 53/2009 of 2 March
Please note that ANACOM is not bound by this authorisation, nor by any legally protected right, expectation or interest with regard to the present authorisation in the future procedure concerning this frequency band.
- eNTFA - frequency portal