ANACOM submits draft regulation to consultation establishing the procedures governing the collection and disbursement to municipalities of TMDP - Taxa Municipal de Direitos de Passagem (Municipal Fee for Rights of Way)

ANACOM has submitted a draft regulation Download file to consultation establishing the procedures to be adopted by companies offering publicly available electronic communications networks and services at a fixed location in order to assess the Municipal Fee for Rights of Way and make payment to municipalities (TMDP Regulation.

The TMDP - Taxa Municipal de Direitos de Passagem (Municipal Fee for Rights of Way) is assessed based on a percentage of the total monthly invoicing issued by companies that provide publicly available electronic communications networks and services at a fixed location, for all end customers in the corresponding municipality. This percentage (maximum 0.25%) is set annually by each municipality and must be announced by the end of December in the previous year for which it is intended to come into effect.

Interested parties are given a period of 30 working days to submit their views in writing and in Portuguese. Contributions may be sent up no later than 19 October 2023 by email to

Once the consultation process has been concluded, the contributions received will be made public. Therefore, for the purposes of publication on this website, interested parties should also submit a non-confidential version of their responses excluding items considered confidential.
