Workshop on ''Migration from legacy infrastructures to fibre-based networks'' - September 2019

A workshop on migration from traditional copper-wire networks to fibre-based networks was held last 3 September at the BEREC Office in Brussels. ANACOM was among the participants and presented the current situation of that migration in Portugal, highlighting Portugal’s favourable situation due to the high coverage of fibre-based networks in Portugal. From the regulatory standpoint, the decision resulting from the analyses of markets 3a and 3b in 2017, establishing prior notification deadlines for supplying information about total deactivation of a service point, was stressed.

Besides ANACOM, the national regulatory authorities of Sweden (PTS – Swedish Post and Telecom Authority), Spain (CNMC – Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia), Italy (AGCOM – Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni) and Norway (Nkom – Norwegian Communications Authority) were asked to present the current situation of migration to fibre-based networks in their respective countries, which led to an exchange of information about critical aspects underlying this process.