Portability - draft amendment to Regulation no. 257/2018

On 30 November 2018, ANACOM approved a draft Regulation amending Regulation no. 257/2018 of 8 Mayhttps://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1435216. This Regulation amended Regulamento da Portabilidade (Portability Regulation - Regulation no. 58/2005 of 18 August), which established the principles and rules governing portability on public communications networks in Portugal.

This draft amendment has the sole purpose of changing the date of entry into force of the regime applicable to the new mechanism to validate electronic portability requests, performed using the portability validation code (CVP). It follows reports of various difficulties which stem from the complexity associated with implementation and availability of the CVP in the information systems of service providers with portability obligations; in a worst case, these difficulties may impact the right to portability and undermine consumer confidence in the new process of validating electronic portability requests.

It was decided to submit this draft amending regulation to the regulatory consultation procedure, in accordance with article 10 of ANACOM's Statuteshttps://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?categoryId=333094, with articles 98 et seq. of Código do Procedimento Administrativo (Administrative Proceeding Code) and under the terms of and for the purposes of articles 54 and 125 of Lei das Comunicações Eletrónicas (Electronic Communications Lawhttps://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?categoryId=333114) (current version).

It was also determined that the draft amendment regulation be published in 2nd series of Diário da República (Official Journal), with interested partied given a period of 10 working days from the date of publication to comment (responses in writing and in Portuguese).
