CTT - Disclosure of information on letter boxes

On 12 April 2017, ANACOM approved the final decision on the disclosure by CTT - Correios de Portugal (CTT) of information on letter boxes.

As determined by this Authority, from 1 July 2017 inclusive, CTT is required to disclose the following information about letter boxes, located on the public highway or in locations of public access, where users can deposit postage items in the postal network of CTT (this information is to be disclosed on their website and kept updated):

a) location (indication of the locality, street name, police number, postal code and/or other information to accurately identify location);

b) time of last collection per day of week;

c) type of delivery/postal service (non-priority mail, priority mail, etc.) that can be deposited.

In cases where CTT establishes, moves or removes letter boxes, or in cases where they may be temporarily unavailable due to theft/robbery or vandalism etc., CTT is required to update the information on their website within a maximum period of one month from the date of occurrence.

In this context, it was also decided that CTT should be required to maintain records (evidence) of the specific situations related to each letter box, under conditions allowing such records (evidence) to be audited or inspected by ANACOM, or by third parties upon ANACOM's instruction, and providing clarification of what situation occurred and when.

ANACOM also recommends that the disclosure of information on letter boxes on CTT's website should be searchable by parish and municipality, and that a complete listing of letter boxes (containing the information referred to above) should be made available in a format which users can download.

On the same date, approval was given to the report of the prior hearing to which the respective draft decision was submitted (draft decision approved on 2 February 2017https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1404528).
