Commission releases results of consultation on termination rates

The European Commission (EC) has released the results of its public consultation on fixed and mobile termination rates (held 15 March to 7 June 2016) through which it sought to assess how the 2009 Recommendation on Fixed and Mobile Termination Rates (Recommendation 2009/396/EC) has impacted termination markets and the European Union single market.

The compiled information shows that there is a recognition of the Recommendation’s contribution towards a reduction in termination rates and towards increased competition in the fixed and mobile telephone markets. However, the legislation was less successful in promoting the single market, which may result in inconsistency in the implementation of the principles recommended by EU countries.

The responses received also point to a need to define additional measures in this regard, with a small majority supporting the creation of a binding instrument, in the form of European legislation (Regulation or Directive) or decision. On this issue, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) considers that it should be the Commission that determines the instrument that is most appropriate for making the principles of the Recommendation binding.

The vast majority also believe that the existence of different regulatory approaches constitutes an obstacle to the timely implementation of the "roam like at home" principle.

The results of this consultation will be reflected in a decision on fixed and mobile termination rates which the Commission is due to adopt in the second half of 2017.

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