Meeting of the project team on Strategic ITU-T Issues - Mainz

The project team on Strategic ITU-T Issues (PT ITU-T), set up in the scope of the Committee for ITU Policy (Com-ITU), met last 21-22 June in Mainz, Germany.

The meeting was chaired by the PT ITU-T coordinator, Reiner Liebler of Germany.

The meeting mainly focused on continuing preparation of the second set of European common proposals (ECPs) for the 2016 World Telecommunications Standardisation Assembly (WTSA-16). These ECPs will encompass matters such as:

  • restructuring of the ITU Telecommunication Standardisation Sector (ITU-T);
  • numbering;
  • internet resolutions;
  • mandate of ITU-T study group 3 (SG3);
  • overlapping tasks among the different study groups.

The meeting also considered the brief (CEPT internal document) presenting contextual information about various European positions and respective lines of defence.

Lastly, also notable was the discussion concerning the chairs and vice-chairs of the ITU Telecommunication Standardisation Advisory Group (TSAG) and study groups.

As usual, the next PT ITU-T meeting will be held during a Com-ITU meeting, whereby it will take place between this coming 6 and 9 September.