Application for suspension submitted by NOS Comunicações

By decision of 7 April 2016, ANACOM has denied the request submitted by NOS Comunicações (NOS) by which it sought suspension of the implementation of ANACOM's decision of 10 March 2016 on the notification of the end of the existing operating restrictions in the 800 MHz frequency band, as identified in Annex 1 to Regulation no. 560-A/2011 of 19 October (Multiband Auction Regulation).

ANACOM considered that NOS failed to demonstrate reasons whereby the implementation of this decision would cause it (or may cause it) irreparable harm or damages that will be difficult to remedy, and also considered that, in the event that the request put by NOS were granted, serious harm would be caused to the public interest objectives underlying the conditions associated with the right of use of frequencies allocated in the 800 MHz band, given that fulfilment of the obligations of coverage and access to the network currently in place would be suspended.


See also: