Meeting of WG NaN PT FNI - Rome

The project team on Future Numbering Issues (PT FNI) of the ECC working group on Numbering and Networks (WG NaN) met last 4-5 March at the offices of the Italian regulator, the Autorità per la Garanzie nella Comunicazioni (AGCOM).

The following items were debated:

  • extraterritorial use of numbers covered by Recommendation E.164 (the international public telecommunication numbering plan) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU);
  • recommendation on major changes to make regarding national numbering plans;
  • allocation and use of mobile numbers in over-the-top (OTT) applications/services;
  • allocation of machine-to-machine (M2M) numbering to unregistered entities;
  • numbering for emergency service (eCall);
  • harmonisation of criteria for awarding mobile network codes (MNC).

The next meeting will be held in May 2015.