Electronic communications - review of settlement of fees (2011 and 2012)

By decision of 23 January 2015, ANACOM has approved the revision of the settlement of fees due in respect of the activity of supplier of publicly available electronic communications networks and services for the years 2011 and 2012. This decision follows a correction to the value of the relevant revenues reported by MEO - Serviço de Comunicações e Multimédia (MEO) according to the final values of the net costs of universal service for the years in question.

Upward correction of the relevant revenues reported by MEO led to an increase in the total revenues reported by the relevant companies in Tier 2 - suppliers of electronic communications networks and services - impacting the value of the t2 contribution percentages. These percentages are now given as 0.4424 percent for 2011 and 0.4674 percent for 2012.

The new t2 percentages determine revision of the corresponding settlements due, for 2011 and 2012, from providers of electronic communications networks and services; ANACOM will apply this procedure immediately.
