ERGP plenary meeting - Bucharest

The ERGP plenary meeting and its first Stakeholders Dialogue were held last 19-20 November in Bucharest.

The participants reviewed work carried out by the various subgroups during the year and approved for publication the final documents, of which the following stand out: i) best practices for consumer protection, quality of service and complaint handling; ii) price regulation in a context of volume reduction; iii) benchmarking of universal service prices; iv) quality of service, complaint handling and consumer protection in 2013 (analysis of trends); and v) implementation of the 2012 ERGP report on postal market monitoring indicators. The ERGP’s opinion on the market for cross-border parcel delivery was also approved.

The plenary session also decided to adopt a document from the 2015 ERGP working programme for public consultation, to run from 27 November 2014 to 12 January 2015.

The head of the Bulgarian regulator (Communications Regulation Commission (CRC)), Veselin Bozhkov, was elected to become chair of the ERGP in 2016.

The plenary session was preceded on 19 November by the first ERGP Stakeholders Dialogue, where more than 150 representatives of regulators and postal market players discussed the future and sustainability of universal postal service.