Calculation of fees due in respect of the activity of provider of postal services 2014


Calculation of fees due in respect of the activity of supplier of postal services, in respect of 2014, under the terms of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of article 44 of Law no. 17/2012 of 26 April

1. Under the terms of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Annex IX to Administrative Rule no. 1473-B/2008 of 17 December, as amended by Administrative Rule no. 296-A/2013 of 2 October, notice is given of the value of the t2 contribution percentage, as resulting from the application of the respective formula, obtained as follows

Formula: t2 = (C (Year n) - T1 (Year n)n1(Year n) ) / ∑R2 (Year n-1);

C= Total cost of regulating the activity, as corresponding to the total value of fees due to ICP-ANACOM in 2014 = 2,501,197 euros;

∑R0 = Total relevant revenues of undertakings in band 0 in 2013 = 2,988,929 euros;

T1 = Fee payable by undertakings in band 1 (Relevant Revenues < = 1,500,000 euros) = 2,500 euros;

n1 = Number of undertakings in band 1 = 13;

∑ of relevant revenues reported by all providers of postal services in 2013 = 835,644,080 euros;

∑R1 = Total relevant revenues reported by all providers in band 1, in 2013 = 6,623,343 euros;

∑R2 = Total relevant revenues reported by all providers in band 2, in 2013 = 826,031,809 euros;

∑T1n1= 2,500 euros x 13= 32,500 euros;

t2 = Contribution percentage payable by providers in band 2 (Relevant Revenues > 1,500,000 euros) = (2,501,197 euros - 32,500 euros) / 826,031,809 euros = 0.2989%;

a2 (Year n) = Amount to be deducted from calculation of fee of band 2 providers

a2 = t2 (Year n) X RLI2 – T1(Year n) ) = 0.2989% x 1,500,001 euros - 2,500 euros = 1,983.50 euros

T2 (Year n) = t2 (Year n) x R2 (Year n-1) - a2 (applying a rate of 0.2989% to relevant revenues reported by each band 2 provider and subtracting 1,983.50 euros gives the value of the fee payable in respect of a normal year).

Since 2014 is the 2nd year of transition, a coefficient of 0.40 is applied to the calculated value under the terms of paragraph 8 of article 9 of Administrative Rule no. 296-A/2013.

2. The relevant revenues reported by certain suppliers of postal services were subject to revision following an audit conducted upon Decision of ICP-ANACOM's Management Board.
