EMERG Contact Network meeting - Amman

The Contact Network of the Euro-Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG) met last 9-10 December in Amman, Jordan. The gathering served to prepare documents for submission and approval at the next plenary session, specifically reports from the workshops held in 2013, the annual report, the 2013 Benchmarking Report and the 2014 working programme, with the identification of workshop priority topics.

The discussions also covered issues such as EMERG’s future prospects, given the approaching end of financing by the European Commission (EC) this coming February and EMERG’s relationship with other institutions (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and stakeholder groups).

There was also occasion to examine internal documents such as the rules and procedures of the permanent secretariat.

Lastly, the gathering witnessed presentation of the regulators who will hold the group’s chair and vice-chair in 2014, respectively Jordan’s Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) and Spain’s National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC). The next meeting will be an EMERG plenary session scheduled for this coming 11-12 February in Amman.