ANACOM and DGAE promote workshop on cybersecurity

ANACOM has organised a workshop on "Cybersecurity: economic aspects", in cooperation with DGAE - Direção Geral das Atividades Económicas (Directorate General for Economic Activities), to be held on 30 September.

The initiative will provide an opportunity to inform on, debate and evaluate the economic impact of the Directive on measures to ensure a high common level of network and information security across the Union (NIS Directive).

Participation in the workshop is free and open to all, although pre-registration is required - the completed registration form should be submitted no later than 26 September 2013.

ANACOM and DGAE are also providing, a questionnaire on the event's page on ANACOM's website, which will enable compilation of data to characterize the current situation and the impact of introducing the NIS Directive; the results of the questionnaire will be presented during the workshop.
