DTT- GAM-TD issues final report

The final report has been released on the process of transition in Portugal from the analogue system to the digital terrestrial television broadcasting service (public version). The report has been prepared by GAM-TD - Grupo de Acompanhamento da Migração para a Televisão Digital (Digital Television Migration Monitoring Group), over which ANACOM presided, and was recently submitted to the Government in accordance with Resolution of Council of Ministers no. 26/2009, published on 17 March 2009.

The report details the main aspects of the transition process, from its preparatory phase to the date of the final cessation of terrestrial analogue transmissions (26 April 2012), and includes an annex containing a compilation of contributions not covered in the main body of the report.

Set up to assist ANACOM in its mission to "promote the conditions necessary to accomplish the transition to digital, and therefore the termination of terrestrial analogue television transmissions" (points 2 and 5 of the Resolution), GAM-TD was wound up upon the report's submission to the Government.

The GAM-TD comprised several organisations and companies: ERC - Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (Media Regulatory Authority), GMCS - Gabinete para os Meios de Comunicação Social (Media Department), DGC - Director General of the Consumer (Directorate General for the Consumer), Rádio e Televisão de Portugal (RTP), Sociedade Independente de Comunicação (SIC), Televisão Independente (TVI), PT Comunicações, S.A. (PTC), Ar Telecom - Acessos e Redes de Telecomunicações, S.A., ZON - TV Cabo Portugal, S.A., Vodafone Portugal - Comunicações Pessoais, S.A., Cabovisão - Televisão por Cabo, S.A., Optimus - Comunicações, S.A., ACMEDIA - Associação Portuguesa de Consumidores dos Media (Portuguese Association of Media Consumers), APED - Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Distribuição (Portuguese Association of Distribution Companies), AGEFE - Associação Empresarial dos Sectores Eléctrico, Electrodoméstico, Fotográfico e Electrónico (Business Association of the Electrical, Electrical Appliance, Photographic and Electronic Sectors), CPMCS - Confederação Portuguesa dos Meios de Comunicação Social (Portuguese Media Confederation) and DECO - Associação Portuguesa para a Defesa do Consumidor (Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection).
