Meeting of EWG NN of IRG/BEREC - Brussels

The IRG/BEREC expert working group on Net Neutrality (EWG NN) met last 21 August at the offices of the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) secretariat in Brussels to examine responses to the guide on quality of service in the scope of net neutrality, which was subject to public consultation in the second quarter of this year. Slight modifications will be made to the so-called "BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: best practices and recommended approaches", due to the comments received and also so it can be adjusted to the future EC recommendation on notifications envisaged in article 22 (3) of Directive 2002/22/EC on universal service and user rights. This process should be completed during the fourth quarter of 2012.

Also considered was the current status of how internet service providers (ISPs) are following the BEREC guidelines on net neutrality and transparency, based on a meeting held with various associations representing the sector.