Telex, data, telegraph and mobile maritime services - public consultation

By order of the Minister of Economy and Employment of 16 October 2012, the Government has decided to conduct a public consultation to assess the extent to which it remains necessary and/or appropriate to maintain provision of fixed telex, switched data transmission, telegraph and mobile maritime services in terms of public correspondence and in terms of public service.

The above services are being provided by PT Comunicações, S.A. (PTC) under the terms of Decree-Law no. 31/2003 of 17 February and pursuant to the concession bases approved thereunder.

Given the time that has now elapsed since the publication of Decree-Law no. 31/2003, the technological developments that have resulted from the introduction and spread of new technologies and potential substitute services, and also taking into account the level of use of these additional services and interest shown by the market in provision of a commercial offer covering such services, the Government considered it appropriate to reflect on whether it remains necessary, from a perspective of public service, that such provision be guaranteed.

In line with its role of assisting the government, ANACOM has been asked to conduct the consultation. The consultation is open for a period of 10 working days, whereby interested parties should respond in writing no later than 31 October 2012, sending comments to Where contributions contain confidential information, interested parties should also submit a non-confidential version of their responses, excluding any items considered confidential for the purposes of publication on ANACOM's website.
