ANACOM's Consumers' Website gets over 57 thousand visits in 2011

Launched on 15 March 2011, ANACOM's Consumers' Website received 57,336 visits in 2011 from a total of 48,267 visitors and with almost 220 thousand page views.

Content related to the provision of telephone, Internet and television services as a bundle generated the most interest among consumers, particularly with regard to price, choice and contract lock-in periods. Information about how to complain, post codes, the launch of COM.escolha and ANACOM's Guide for users with special needs also ranks among content getting most attention from consumers in 2011. Digital terrestrial television (DTT) stands out as the most visited content on the website during the last months of the year.

Around half of the traffic on ANACOM's Consumers' Website was directed from search engines, with Google responsible for almost all these accesses. ANACOM's institutional website was the second largest generator of traffic in this period.

ANACOM's Consumers' Website, available at www.anacom-consumidor.com, seeks to improve the level of information provided to consumers and help them in their day-to-day decisions about communications services, ensuring that such decisions are increasingly informed and produce better results. In this respect, the website provides a range of information about providers, what consumers need to consider when choosing a service, what they need to know about contracts governing the provision of services (tariffs, billing, cancellation, etc.), the best way to resolve problems with providers and the role of ANACOM and other organisations in this context.

The Website also has an interactive tool, "a ANACOM responde" (ANACOM answers), which consumers can use to put questions and obtain an immediate response. Consumers can also use the website to submit a complaint to ANACOM using an online form, and consult tariffs/offers and simulate telephone, Internet and television consumption using the "COM.escolha" tool.


Portal do Consumidor