High-speed networks with 292 thousand customers in 2010

/ Updated on 07.03.2011

The next generation fixed networks that provide high-speed access are currently supported over optical fibre (FTTH/FTTB) and cable TV distribution networks using the EuroDOCSIS 3.0 standard.

In Portugal, at the end of the fourth quarter of 2010, the number of households cabled with optical fibre (FTTH/B) for all operators stood at 1.47 million. The number of households with accesses using the EuroDOCSIS 3.0 standard - used by cable television operators to provide high-speed services - totaled 3.8 million, with about 2.6 times the number of households cabled with optical fibre (FTTH/B).

It is noted that the provision of services by more than one operator in the same area makes it possible that the same household may be subject to multiple cabling. Given this fact, it is estimated that about 59% of family households have access to at least one high-speed network.

High-speed accesses are concentrated in the Lisbon and North regions of the country.

The number of residential customers who use services supported by high-speed accesses (FTTH and EuroDOCSIS 3.0 or equivalent) is reported at 278 thousand. Non-residential customers totaled 14,400 as at the end of December.

The number of Internet access service lines associated with offers of FTTH / B and EuroDOCSIS 3.0 with download speeds exceeding 30 Mbps is about 181,000.

The penetration of residential customers in terms of family households is 4.9 per 100 households. Penetration is highest in the Lisbon region (10.9 per 100 households).