''CYBER EUROPE 2010'' Exercise - interim findings

The interim findings and recommendations of EU Member State participants of the first Pan-European Cyber Security Exercise indicate that ''CYBER EUROPE 2010'' was a useful ''cyber stress test'' for Europe’s public bodies. Member States are very keen to continue their efforts with these types of exercises, agreeing on the importance of involving the private sector in further exercises and exchanging lessons learnt with other national or international exercises.

Portugal’s involvement in the exercise’s planning was provided by ANACOM, which also took part in the actual exercise in conjunction with FCCN - Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (Foundation for National Scientific Computing ) and other public bodies.

With the participation of 30 European countries, 22 participating actively and 8 as observers, ''CYBER EUROPE 2010'' was organised by seven Member-States of the Union with the joint support of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and the EU’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), with the involvement of 70 public sector bodies who responded to over 320 security injects.

The exercise will be evaluated in depth, with analysis also made at national level, leading to a comprehensive report which will be released at the beginning of 2011.

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