Regulation on MFRW has been approved

By determination of 9 September 2004, the regulation that establishes the procedures for the collection and delivery to municipalities of the MFRW (Municipal Fee for Rights of Way) has been approved.

This fee was provided for by the Law of Electronic Communications (Regicom), which has assigned to ANACOM the responsibility of publishing a regulation that defines the procedures for the monthly collection and delivery, to municipalities, of revenues that result from the application of the MFRW, to be adopted by undertakings providing publicly available electronic communications networks and services, at a fixed location.

Pursuant to the Statutes of ANACOM, this regulation was submitted, in its draft stage, to the applicable consultation procedures, both regulatory and general, the time limit for which ended on the 22nd June 2004. The corresponding final report, that includes the contributions from interested parties, has also been made available on that date, according to the consultation procedures adopted by ANACOM. Having regard to the nature of this regulation, its publication shall also be promoted in the II Series of the Diário da República, in compliance with the States of this Authority.
