Approval has been granted to a draft regulation that defines the rules for the assessment on the part of ANACOM of reports made by the concessionaire of the universal postal service (the CTT - Correios de Portugal company) regarding the closure or the reduction in working time of postal establishments. This document, including the statement of reasons thereto, has been approved by determination of 4 October 2005.
ANACOM aims particularly to establish the rules for the assessment of reports made by CTT - Correios de Portugal regarding the closure or the reduction in working time of postal establishments (postal stations and post offices), including the set of parameters based on which the regulator intends to assess such reports. ANACOM further determines a set of rules prescribing the procedure to be followed, both by the CTT and by third parties which may be summoned to participate in the regulator’s decision-making process.
This draft regulation is subject to the regulatory procedure provided for in article 11 of the Statutes of ANACOM (Decree-Law no. 309/2001, of 7 December), and has been duly notified to the entities referred to therein.
In the scope of the launched consultation process, a 30-working-day time limit has been granted for the assessment of this issue by interested parties. The time limit for the reception of comments thus expires by 23 November 2005, and comments should be submitted preferably by email, to
- Draft Regulation on the closure and reduction in working time of postal establishments