Pre-selection - services unduly terminated by PT

ANACOM has given approval, by determination of 18 January 2007, to the draft decision on the undue termination by PT Comunicações (PTC) of pre-selection services. This determination follows a number of complaints from operators - Vodafone, OniTelecom and Tele2 - about allegedly incorrect procedures with regard to the termination of pre-selection services.

Under the terms of this draft decision, it is determined that PTC shall, with immediate effect, cease deactivations of pre-selection services where such deactivation has not been requested by the pre-selection provider as a result of amendment to or termination of the respective contract between the subscriber and the provider concerned. Accordingly deactivation shall be in compliance with the pre-selection deactivation procedures set forth in article 10 of the Selection and Pre-selection Regulation (Regulation no. 1/2006, of 9 January).

It is also determined that PTC shall, within a period of no more than 5 working days, remove from their website the information on the procedures and motives for the termination of pre-selection services in its current form, and provide information that is in accordance with the same provisions of the above Regulation.

This decision was submitted to a prior hearing of interested partied for which a period of 10 working days has been set for PTC, Vodafone, OniTelecom and Tele2 to respond in writing.


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