European Commission proposes policy on RFID devices

The European Commission (EC) has proposed a policy strategy on radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. Presented on 15 March 2007, this strategy focuses on safeguarding the privacy of users, while at the same time strengthening Europe's economic and technological position in a market that is seeing world-wide growth of 60%.

The strategy also involves raising awareness of RFID, given that, according to the public consultation carried out in 2006, Europeans are poorly informed about this technology.

Presenting the communication "Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Europe: steps towards a policy framework", Information Society and Media Commissioner Viviane Reding said ''The Commission's RFID strategy will therefore seek to raise awareness, stress the absolute need for citizens to decide how their personal data is used and ensure that Europe removes existing obstacles to RFID's enormous potential.''

The strategy puts forward the following actions:

  • Create in 2007 an RFID Stakeholder Group to provide advice and assistance to the Commission in developing a European policy position concerning RFID applications;
  • By mid 2007, propose amendments to the e-Privacy Directive to take account of RFID applications, as part of the EU Telecom Rules' review;
  • Publish, by the end of 2007, a Recommendation on how to handle data security and privacy of smart radio tags to Member States and stakeholders. Both the Data Protection Directive and the ePrivacy Directive set rules for processing personal data which must be respected irrespective of the underlying technologies, and the Recommendation would further clarify their application to RFID;
  • In association with the Stakeholder Group, analyse the economic and social effects of smart radio tags and other technologies, particularly focusing on privacy, trust and governance, leading to an assessment of policy options and need for further legislative steps, by the end of 2008.

In 2006, over a billion smart radio tags were sold globally - a figure that could increase 500 fold by 2016. According to estimates, the European RFID market was worth 500 million euros in 2006, but should grow to 7 billion euros within the next ten years.

Further information:

  • Radio Spectrum

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