Information on roaming Eurotariff

In 23 of the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU) there is at least one mobile telephone operator with tariffs for roaming on public mobile telephone networks that are below the maximum values imposed by the recent regulation on roaming that came into force on 30 July 2007. Moreover, the majority of mobile operators started to offer or to activate a Eurotariff in advance of the deadline. These are the conclusions reached by the European Commission (EC) according to the feedback obtained following the launch of the website listing the Eurotariffs being offered by each EU operator.

In October, the EC, together with the European Regulators Group (ERG), is expected to carry out an assessment on the transition to the Eurotariff, looking at the new roaming offers from the consumer’s point of view and in terms of quality, transparency and ease of use. The results will form the basis for an assessment on the issue that the EC is to present to the European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers by 30 December 2008.

Further information:

Related information on ANACOM's website:

  • Roaming