National coordinator of EU Lisbon Strategy has been appointed

The national coordination of the Lisbon Strategy of the European Union in Portugal is now under the responsibility of José Carlos Zorrinho, who has been appointed to this post pursuant to Resolution no. 38/2005, of 30 June (published in the Series II of the Diário da República of 19 July).

Following the re-launching of the Lisbon Strategy, which was decided at the European Council in March this year, the main tasks of the National Coordinator, placed under the direct responsibility of the Prime-Minister, are: (i) to prepare, coordinate and monitor the introduction of the Lisbon Strategy National Reform Programme for the period from 2005 to 2008; (ii) to articulate the preparation, coordination and monitoring of the National Programme with the development of the Lisbon Community Program; (iii) to articulate the preparation, coordination and monitoring of the National Programme with other relevant national plans and programmes, specially with the Stability and Growth Programme and with the National Strategic Reference Framework; (iv) to promote the participation of economic and social agents and of the civil society in the debate on the options and priorities of the national reform programme; (v) to present in October 2005 the national reform programme.
