1. Determination of 11 September 2014 - DD on the plan for installation of main transmitters

By determination of ANACOM, of 11 September 20141, to which reference is made, the then PT Comunicações, S.A. (PTC), now MEO – Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia S.A. (hereinafter MEO) was granted a temporary network license, as follows:

1. To grant PTC a temporary network license, for a period of 180 days, consisting of 4 stations, to be implemented within at the most 5 working days from the date of notification of this determination, as follows:

a) Mendro transmitter: channel 40 (622-630 MHz);

b) Palmela transmitter: channel 45 (662-670 MHz);

c) São Mamede transmitter: channel 47 (678-686 MHz);

d) Marofa transmitter: channel 48 (686-694 MHz).

2. To determine that the maximum effective radiated power (e.r.p.) of each station referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to 10 kW. As regards the São Mamede transmitter, the maximum e.r.p. shall be 100 W in the 20º-110º sector.

3. To order PTC to submit to ICP - ANACOM, within 10 working days, the following elements for each station:

a) antenna height;

b) antenna radiation pattern;

c) e.r.p. to be used.

4. To order PTC to put in place, by no later than the date of effective implementation by PTC of the network referred in paragraph 1, the appropriate procedures intended to reimburse costs incurred by users due to the adjustment to the network now licensed, on the basis of means identified in point III.2, and to subsequently report steps taken to ICP-ANACOM.

5. To order PTC to put in place, by no later than the date of effective implementation by PTC of the network referred in paragraph 1, the plan for communication to DTT users covered by new transmitters, disclosing the information required by the entry into operation of the network now licensed, including the responsibility for adjustment costs which may be incurred, which shall be notified to ICP-ANACOM.

The same determination approved also the following draft decision (DD):

6. To order PTC to present, within 10 working days, a plan for the installation of main transmitters required to address problems encountered in areas not covered by the current MFN network or by the 4 transmitters now temporarily licensed.

7. To submit the determination in the preceding paragraph to the prior hearing of PTC, under articles 100 and 101 of the Administrative Procedure Code, so that the company may assess the matter in writing, within 10 working days from the date of notification hereof.

1 Available at: Temporary network licensing - DTThttps://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1334269