1. Introduction

Broadband Wireless Access is a term used to describe new broadband wireless technologies that involve mobile, nomadic and fixed applications.

Growing demand for bit stream access to provide multimedia services at fixed locations has led the industry to develop new technological solutions capable of surmounting the technical hurdles involved, with more efficient modulation techniques that have added mobility.

ANACOM has been following the course of discussions in various international forums on the introduction of this type of technology. This debate has looked at both the technical issues involved (e.g. technical solutions, the spectrum and standards) and at a regulatory framework for this technology, with the aim of achieving harmonisation in the adopted solutions.

At the same time, it should be noted that several market players have expressed an interest in bringing this technology to Portugal, and that several requests have been received to make part of the spectrum available for BWA technical trials with WIMAX type systems.

In view of this growing interest, ICP-ANACOM launched a public consultation on the introduction of BWA in Portugal, taking into account the positions which have been debated in the European Union (EU), especially at the level of the European Commission (EC), and in the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), and further taking into account the results of the public consultation launched by ICP-ANACOM on FWA in order to reformulate usage rights.

As part of the consultation contributions were received from the following nineteen parties:

  • Mr António Ferreira
  • Alcatel - Lucent
  • Cabo TV Madeirense
  • Ericsson
  • Grupo PT (common position of the companies Portugal Telecom SGPS, PT Comunicações, PT Multimédia SGPS, PT Prime, PT Wi-Fi and TMN)
  • Grupo SGC Telecom (representing its subsidiaries WTS and AR Telecom)
  • Mr Hugo Cunha
  • Intel Corporation
  • Manuel de Azevedo, U. Lda (in its own name and representing its partner Shortcut - Consultadoria e Serviços de Tecnologias de Informação, Lda.)
  • Neuvex - Telecomunicações, Marketing e Informática, Lda.
  • Onitelecom
  • Radiomóvel Telecomunicações, S.A.
  • Samsung Electronics UK
  • SAP/REG (Satellite Action Plan Regulatory Group)
  • Sonaecom, SGPS, S.A.
  • Vodafone Portugal - Comunicações Pessoais, S.A.
  • WiMAX Forum
  • ZTE Corporation

Of these contributions (see graph below) nine were made by companies (or their representatives1) registered and authorised to provide electronic communication services for public use (of which six hold rights to use the spectrum for FWA operation), five are companies connected to equipment (manufacturers or their representatives), one is connected to consultancy, two are non-profit making organisations (WiMAX and SAP/REG forums), and a further two contributions were received from private individuals.

It should be noted that ICP-ANACOM made an extra effort in publicising this Public Consultation. Besides the traditional means of announcing the consultation, advertisements were taken out in national newspapers with large circulation.

It must be stressed that, despite this extra effort, no contributions were received from any party related with the protection of consumer interests (residential or corporate) or from the academic world.  Such contributions would have been useful from the perspective of a public consultation that better reflected the interests of the market and of society.

The graph shows, in the scope of the public consultation and action plan for the introduction of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) in Portugal, the percentual distribution of contributions received.

Chapter 2 of this reports describes the background to the introduction of BWA, describing in particular developments at a national and international level.

The summary of the responses received is made in Chapter 3, which reports the most noteworthy point of the arguments presented.  The conclusions of this consultation and action plan can be found in Chapter 4.

1 Grupo PT represents the position of the companies Portugal Telecom SGPS, PT Comunicações, PT Multimédia SGPS, PT Prime, PT Wi-Fi and TMN; Grupo SGC Telecom represents its subsidiaries WTS and AR Telecom. As such the responses given by these 9 organisations represent the position of a total of 15 companies.