Centre for Documentation and Information (CDI)

The primary objective of ICP-ANACOM's Centre for Documentation and Information is to support this Authority's staff and services, centralizing all types of publications and knowledge which is essential for staff development and which staff need to keep their knowledge up-to-date. The CDI is also open to the general public between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, with visitors able to consult documentation and access the bibliographic catalogue, as well as other databases and online services.

In 2010, the CDI received 379 enquiries from external users, including 316 telephone enquiries, 37 personal enquiries, 1 written enquiry and 25 e-mail enquiries.

The CDI has been promoting the services which it provides to the different sections of the public, through the provision of new services, with particular emphasis on access to the Online Knowledge Library (b-on) formalized in September 2010, enabling access to about 22,000 international scientific journals, 18,000 e-books and 19 content providers, covering all areas of science from major international publishers.