Notice of 5.7.1999, published on 20 of July


Ministry for Equipment, Planning and Territorial Administration

Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal


For the purposes of the stipulations of No. 2 of article 21 of Decree-Law no. 415/98, of the 31st of December, it is hereby publicised that the Board of Directors of the Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal, resolved the following:

  1. To approve " Declarations of significant market power", in meetings on the 16th of April and the 2nd of June 1999 according to the stipulations of article no. 7 of Decree-Law no. 415/98, of the 31st of December;
  2. To approve the " Set of Items to be included in the Reference Interconnection Offer for 1999" in a meeting on the 16th of April 1999, according to the stipulations of no. 2 of article no. 10 of Decree-Law no. 415/98, of the 31st of December;
  3. To approve the General Conditions and conditions preliminary to the Negotiation of Interconnection Agreements for the year 1999 in a meeting on the 6th of May 1999, according to the stipulations of no. 1 of article 14 of Decree-Law no. 415/98, of the 31st of December;
  4. To made the information mentioned in numbers 1, 2 and 3 above available to all interested parties at the customer reception desk of the Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal, at Avenida José Malhoa, 12, 1099-017 Lisbon, between 9am and 4pm, from Monday to Friday;
  5. To make the said information available on ICP's site at:

5th of July, 1999.- The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Luís Filipe Nazaré.