ANACOM approves addendum to the national roadmap for the 700 MHz band

By decision dated 27 March 2020, ANACOM approved an addendum to the national roadmap for the 700 MHz band, which establishes the plan and timetable necessary for the release of that frequency band and its current uses, as well as the respective allocation for the provision of terrestrial wireless broadband electronic communications services, namely for the development of 5G mobile.

At a time when exceptional and temporary measures are in place in response to the epidemiological situation caused by COVID-19, it has become necessary to adopt this measure in light of the decisions adopted on 12 March, after the declaration of a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, and on 19 March, after the declaration of a state of emergency by the President of the Republic, after which the following were suspended:

Against this background, the timetable established in the national roadmap for the 700 MHz band has been unavoidably compromised. It should be recalled that the national roadmap was approved by ANACOM on 27 June 2018, in compliance with Decision (EU) 2017/899 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 17 May 2017.
