Economic growth and more jobs - relaunching the Lisbon Strategy

On 2 February, the European Commission presented a new strategy aiming at promoting economic growth and the creation of more jobs in the European Union (EU). This new strategy identifies the measures by means of which an additional boost of the GDP by 3% may be recorded and in addition over 6 million jobs may be created, by 2010, the involvement of all Member-States in this economic renovation being necessary, as the first five years of implementation of the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy, approved in 2000, have not been considered satisfactory.

Faced with the challenge of ageing societies in Europe and intensifying international competition from countries such as India and China, the action guidelines of the program now presented aim at the achievement of the following general targets: making Europe a more attractive place to invest and work; placing knowledge and innovation at the service of growth; and creating more and better jobs.

This new strategy is thus comprised in the scope of the Mid-Term Review work of the Lisbon Strategy, which shall culminate in the approval of this new action program in the course of the Spring European Council, on the 22nd and 23rd March 2005.

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